The Goofy Toofy line of dental health education materials includes publications designed for the general public, for educators and parents, and for children, as well as an animated DVD illustrating proper dental hygiene.

The Goofy Toofy animated DVD video is key to Shelia La Von's comprehensive dental health education program. To learn more about it, browse clips from the video. Also, read what viewers have said about Goofy Toofy.

Interested in purchasing Goofy Toofy dental health education materials for your business, school, or dental office? Go to our wholesale ordering form.

Shelia La Von presents dental health education seminars to businesses and schools; contact us through email or call 805-469-2811 to discuss your organization's needs.

The Goofy Toofy animated DVD video is key to Shelia La Von's comprehensive dental health education program. Goofy Toofy teaches young viewers how poor oral hygiene leads to tooth decay, and shows how to properly brush and floss to stay healthy. You can watch a preview and read what viewers have said about Goofy Toofy. The Goofy Toofy instructional DVD is designed for all ages, but is especially effective in motivating children and teens practice good dental hygiene. The video is available in English and Spanish.

Coming soon will be materials designed to supplement and reinforce the information provided in the DVD.

The Goofy Toofy Adult Instruction Booklet will help adults improve their own dental care regimen and at the same time model correct skills and a positive attitude for the children in their lives. The book will include illustrations, photographs, charts, and X-rays.

Goofy Toofy Children's Activity Books K-3 and 4-6 will help children learn proper dental hygiene, using cartoon characters to illustrate the risks of poor dental hygiene and the benefits of good dental habits in a fun and educational way.

The Goofy Toofy Bug Cartoon Story will use an engaging "comic book" format to help teens understand how bacteria plaque can affect their appearance, oral health, and their overall health care.

Interested in purchasing Goofy Toofy dental health education materials for your business, school, or dental office? Go to our wholesale ordering form.

Author Shelia La Von presents dental health education seminars to businesses and schools; contact us through email or call 805-469-2811 to discuss your organization's needs.


Arrange a Goofy Toofy seminar for your school district or educational institution, hospital or medical center, or business, as well as oral prenatal care for the expectant mother. In addition, Sheila will travel to your senior assisted and independant living facilities.

Educators and students will learn from the best—Sheila has extensive experience in educating children, parents, and teachers alike. Seminars are available for grades K through 12 and can include hands-on classroom sessions or general assemblies. The seminars are based on the Goofy Toofy DVD and are customized for your school. Special-needs training is also available.

Sheila presents seminars, workshops, and/or in-service training to educate health care providers on current oral health information and research.

Most businesses understand that helping employees to remain healthy increases productivity and improves the bottom line. Shelia visits businesses to teach employees how to properly care for their teeth and gums, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

Contact us through email or call 805-469-2811 to arrange training customized for your needs.


(805) 469-2881 • • © Copyright 2006

DISCLAIMER: Goofy Toofy Educational Website is intended for education purposes only. It is not intended in any way to provide medical advice nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical or dental advice. Always seek the advice of your physician, dental professional, or the qualified health provider. Never disregard professional medical/dental advice or delay in seeking it because of Content found on this website or the materials contained herein.